Read This If You’re Having A Bad DayIt’s Monday. You wake up late for work and arrive feeling extremely grumpy only to find your boss pointing it out before he reminds you of…May 2, 202314May 2, 202314
Published inHello, LoveA Friend Told Me I Have an Admirable Social IntellectI’ve recently had my guard up in most of my interactions. It’s time to let that guard down and embrace my vulnerability.Apr 29, 20236Apr 29, 20236
I’ve Been Single For A YearI broke up with my first love a year ago. We’d been together for almost five years before we decided that our relationship was no longer…Apr 5, 202321Apr 5, 202321
I’m Struggling To Find My Writer’s VoiceDisclaimer: I don’t exactly know where I’m going with this article. For the first time, I don’t have an outline. I’m just writing away and…Mar 5, 202320Mar 5, 202320
Published inILLUMINATIONShould I Stop Sharing My Goals With Others?I’ve recently written in a story that I posted here on Medium that I’m hoping to be able to buy myself a car with my earnings as a writer…Feb 22, 202317Feb 22, 202317
A Lost Soul — A PoemBeyond those rays in perfect blackness, Apparent peace and lurking madness, There sat a being.Feb 19, 20236Feb 19, 20236
10 Things That Brighten Up My Early MorningsThere are days on which I’m a night owl, and others on which I’m such a morning bird. The latter are much easier to get through because I…Feb 18, 20237Feb 18, 20237
The Undefined — A PoemThe room was filled with silence and there sat the clique, When boredom decided to break it and so started to speak: “Have you seen what…Feb 18, 20237Feb 18, 20237
The Hill To Hell — A PoemGrinding for the truth My home’s become a room Full of mirrors and a bed Reflections of my headFeb 12, 20232Feb 12, 20232
Time & Time Again — A PoemAnd I delve deep into my mind, Back to the very roots of who I am, Yet find nothing but an old jam, And a few memories next to a weary…Feb 6, 20232Feb 6, 20232